Immibis, There is an issue with your Core program that is causing an issue with the latest forge versions that is causing connection issues for the client to connect with...
I would like to see a new Multi Color Lamp Block that changes colors based on the Redstone level of input given from 0-15. This would be really handy for...
When playing on a Server, players can not see items that "other" players place into the world. For example: If Player "A" places a Pot on the ground, and puts...
In the latest version, the Steam Producer and Consumer is not working at all. All versions of the Steam Producers, and the Steam Consumer. PowerConverters-1.7.10_3.3.0-jenkins.74.jar
On Server version, Game will dump if you creatively spawn a Steam Producer by right clicking on one in the NEI menu. Its also happening with the (IC2 Super Heated...