I have the same issue, while using IIS as a reverse proxy.
Problem seems to be checking or deploying the mesh core from the server over the reverse proxy. If I begin without reverse proxy, add the agent host and let it...
> one thing to try is the following > > 1. go to a device in web ui and into the `console` tab > 2. click 'Agent Action`and run`Clear the...
> also your `certUrl` seems weird? the certUrl should be the value of your domain you are using so meshcentral KNOWS where to get the certificate and what to expect...
> so is the url you use to access meshcentral like this `` ? no extra ports or anything? > > and your network similar to this? internet ( ->...
FYI - importing the core locally with MeshAgent.exe dbTool.js import CoreModule also "works" - all functionality is there, but core update does not work. I could also verify that the...
It seems to be a bug in the agentcore.c when trying to reassemble larger requests in 65k chunks. After setting the chunk size zo 650kb (allowing the file to be...
Well could be, but when waying the odds between ISS ARR having a fundamental issue and a bug in a smaller project with comments like "// TODO: Confirm with Bryan...
The problem seems to be, hat the state machine in agentcore.c / MeshServer_OnResponse: Seems to go: ILibWebClient_ReceiveStatus_Partial ... ILibWebClient_ReceiveStatus_Partial ILibWebClient_ReceiveStatus_LastPartial and then there should be a: ILibWebClient_ReceiveStatus_MoreDataToBeReceived (in reality means:...
I analyzed it a little further - an the problem is: - The agent implementation for fragmentation is not finished and does not work - The the nodeJS webserver does...