Nick Saw

Results 22 comments of Nick Saw

The links have been permanently removed and these downloads are no longer officially available. We will probably deprecate the Microsoft.Psi.MicrosoftSpeech.Windows component in an upcoming release.

Unfortunately there are indeed a number of issues with serialization between .NET Core and .NET Framework types. We will address some of these in the upcoming release, but unfortunately `Dictionary`...

For the types 1 through 4 above, are you generating/capturing these in .NET Core and trying to visualize them in PsiStudio (.NET Framework)? For types such as CoordinateSystem and Shared,...

Thanks for letting us know. As of right now, we do not yet have a plan on how to evolve the AzureKinect component. We're following up with the body tracking...

Automatic language detection is a relatively new feature that is only available through the Speech SDK. Unfortunately the built-in AzureSpeechRecognizer component in psi uses the WebSockets API to access the...

From the exception message, it appears that an internal queue is filling up. I notice that in the call to `pipeline.RunAsync`, you have specified `false` for the `enforceReplayClock` parameter (the...

That error is from the Azure Kinect sensor SDK, and it might indicate that processing is not keeping up with the color stream. As to the access violation leading to...

Thanks. We actually do have a fix for this which we will push out in a release within a couple of weeks. Hopefully this workaround that you've come up with...

Sometimes we get these sorts of exceptions during deserialization when \psi is unable to locate the `Type` needed to deserialize an object (which may be nested). Typically this happens when...