Hi,I have two questions: 1. Can't use the usb camera IR:FP32 + CPU + MP4 is OK But when I use usb camera I have following error: (python3:3641): GStreamer-CRITICAL **:...
Hi, Thank you for your reply. 1. Yeah, I can use my camera. I set camera_width = 608,camera_height = 608, but the camera support size is  I change the...
That's good news. Would you please tell me more details? What mistakes and how to address them?
I just try again using the code that you changed. But the result also has same bug. The data_type in FP32 is OK.But data_type in FP16,the box's height and width...
data_type=FP16 the code has problem  data_type=FP32 it's a moment like the figure like you 
I see your changed . But I think that it's useless to force filtering out some boxes data. The true problem is when change the data_type, data is different. Not...
hi, l have the same questions. Did you solve it?