Chip Kent
Chip Kent
Adding some print statements yielded this stack trace: DBG -- XhrConnection connection-error: XMLHttpRequest error. dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/ddc_runtime/errors.dart 268:20 get current packages/http/src/browser_client.dart 84:22 dart-sdk/lib/async/zone.dart 1439:54 runUnary dart-sdk/lib/async/future_impl.dart 141:18 handleValue dart-sdk/lib/async/future_impl.dart 686:44 handleValueCallback dart-sdk/lib/async/future_impl.dart...
Unfortunately, ref: 39c751128cff276374e5e23057136f4e0c18018c doesn't help me. I need the #287 feature because my app is android and web. The code doesn't compile with the earlier version. If there is a...
@gustav3d Can you also post your GRPCweb.dart?
Rolling back to the older commit yields "gRPC Error (14, XhrConnection status 0)" for the web.
By older commit, I mean ref: 39c7511.
Your comment triggered a few hours of research into this problem. The documentation for grpc-web is quite weak. Am I reading it correctly that I need to be running Envoy...
@gustav3d Thank you for your help. I added a grpc-web proxy, and all but one of my rpc calls are working. I would never have guessed that a translation proxy...
Thanks for the debugging details. I will dig in tonight. My one rpc call that is having problems seems to not return. My go server logs that it completed calculations...
I pulled up the problematic rpc call in the chrome developer tools. This call says "CAUTION: request is not finished yet!". It has been like this for 10 min. Under...
I do notice one other thing in the network diagnostics. The bad grpc-web call has two entries. One with a type of XHR and another with an empty type. The...