chintan puggalok
chintan puggalok
Is this open?
Hey! Can I try to work on it?
ok working on it
this error comes when running yarn on the root dir Error: Duplicate workspace name altair: /home/chintan/Documents/opensource/altair_t/packages/altair-electron conflicts with /home/chintan/Documents/opensource/altair_t at je.addWorkspace (/home/chintan/.cache/node/corepack/yarn/3.6.1/yarn.js:439:1949) at /home/chintan/.cache/node/corepack/yarn/3.6.1/yarn.js:439:1658 Node.js v18.16.0
is it still open?
hey i will try this out!
/attempt #266 Options Cancel my attempt
seems like a fun idea lemme try this out