Chinedu Francis Nwafili
Chinedu Francis Nwafili
I'm working on landing support for this in `rustc`, then `wasm-bindgen`, then I'd be happy to submit a PR to `rust-ctor`.
Sorry. I am no longer working on `rust-ctor` support. Going to explore a different approach instead ->
> I don't think that's possible in any Rust framework: mutation is just a fact of life in Rust. Because of interior mutation and I/O, it's not really possible to...
~Hello, hello! Is anything blocking this from landing?~ nevermind:
Sounds good thanks for explaining. Sweet. I'll bring them up here on a case by case basis whenever I'm working with `metal-rs` and run into one.
Although I suppose since this is just code it should be incorporated into an example. Perhaps we can edit the `window` example to capture the first few frames to a...
Note to self - Xcode is required in order to generate a `.gpuTrace` So the docs can demonstrate how ti generate a trace file using the least amount of...
Awesome! Thanks so much for putting this together and including examples! This looks fine to me. If @kvark doesn't have any issues, want to just PR this into `guide/naming-conventions/`. Really...
Hey Could you describe your workflow for me? I mainly use `bpy.ops.rigging.iktofk()` to run it as part of an export script that runs headlessly and does not save the file...
Ahh this is very interesting thanks for sharing! Are there any cases that you know of where this isn't strictly better than converting to matrices first? i.e. - is there...