## Bug Report At any given time approximately 300~400 concurrent request will be made to redis server. Out of all, 90% of threads goes to TIMED_WAITING state; Looking at ThreadDump,...
ignore: urls: - /authentication/** - /css/*.css - /js/*.js - /actuator/** - /hystrix/** - /metrics/** - /loggers/** - /mobile/cookie 鉴权服务器 在/auth ,那边边界网关 如何访问到 后面服务??? 感觉要新增 /auth/oauth/* 获取权限,
06-23 08:51:12.103 ERROR [c.g.v.p.c.handler.PassportTokenProcessingHandle] - Error redirectURL is null for Passport Server什么原因??
I run this java example in idea ide; Also have enabled annotation processing. but i got "_links":{"self":{"href":"/hello","templated":false}},"message":"Page Not Found"} erro ,when i access by http://localhost:8080/hello
when i upload a image size like 5M ,the app which is installed in mobile phone is crash,why?