I'm experiencing the exact same issue, fresh install of windows and it works properly, as soon as the system is rebooted then only 3gig detected and Claymore crashes. This is...
I might try another fresh install and before running claymore set a restore point that I can hopefully go back to. I'm also wondering is it due to only having...
I'll give it a go when I get home later and post my results.
I tried the 2 gig settings suggested above, Claymore just dumps out to desktop without any errors or messages. I have created a restore point with everything setup on the...
So I finally got round to trying an RX580 8gig card in this machine. Exact same thing occurs, it will run once on its very first claymore startup then anytime...
I've had a small but confusing break through, I started XMR mining using Claymore 10.2beta on the same rig, it detects the memory everytime correctly, ever since then, when I...