Have you tested this for channels that fail to be joined when calling join_channels manually whilst the bot is running?
> > It's also been pointed out to me that these new models haven't been added to the models.rst documentation > > How can I add these models to models.rst?...
Revisiting this since I am going to be updating some websocket / parser things soon, I believe the user-type also needs to be amended here ``` tags = dict(x.split("=", 1)...
@Commaster pushed to Master
If you are banned from a channel you receive the below when joining This is a NOTICE msg ``` DEBUG:twitchio.websocket: < @msg-id=msg_banned NOTICE #channel :You are permanently banned from...
This was fixed in commit d76ebd3
Lavalink 3.7.5 and Wavelink 2.3 is the latest and recommended versions
Notices are handled in master by dispatching to the event. Check for this message and then perform whatever action you wish to do. E.g. stop the bot booting up as...
So this wouldn't be related to master, it would be to all versions. Although I never have a 90%, fail rate and if it was that consistent for everyone they...
Okay that makes more sense, thanks. Finding a window to test a potential fix for this on would be difficult.