Jin-Man Park

Results 23 comments of Jin-Man Park

1. In the concept of online learning, we don't need to divide the dataset into test and train. Given a pair of an input and a target, the model first...

As I described in OR-ELM paper, one disadvantage of OR-ELM is that It is very vulnerable to adjustment of a hyper parameter called "forgetting factor". This divergence is not a...

Hi HongminWu, 1. I uploaded a simple python script`png2gif.py` which generates .gif from a list of .png files. 2. Yes. In fact, some of the datasets I uploaded two channels...

Hi Hongmin Wu, This repo is not about my publications, but about implementations of [this paper](https://www.elen.ucl.ac.be/Proceedings/esann/esannpdf/es2015-56.pdf). I studied this paper by implementing the network in the paper, adding some minor...

prediction_window_size is the number of steps in multi-step prediction. It is needed only in anomaly detection. In the time-series prediction figure: The green part is the case when ground-truths are...

I tried to run this code in 1.0.0 with the --save_fig option and the same error occurred.

It seems that the error occurred because multiplication between Numpy array and Pytorch tensor is deprecated in Pytorch 1.0.0. I have fixed the error so check it out.

The source code is tested on Ubuntu 16.04. You may have to change a few lines to run the source code on Windows.

@yunzhonghe2017 Can you share the solution you found? Thank you!