Chiwan Song
Chiwan Song
Yeah. The monitor resolution in Linux should be 1920x1080, because of the limitation of getting screen method. Please check your monitor resolution and set it to 1920x1080, if not set.
I changed IPM code. The IPM area changes depending on the steering amount. I think it will reduce noises on the curvy road and make the truck drives better.
The lane detection process consist of these stages: 1. Set the IPM area 2. Resize the IPMed area 3. Convert the color from RGB to grey 4. Sobel filtering and...
I have a better idea for implementing adaptive IPM. I will change the code before Tuesday or Wednesday
OK, a better adaptive IPM area is implemented
I got it. In case of nuget opencv packages, I guess what we have to do is download the `zlib1.dll` and add it to the `(project file root)/packages/opencvcuda-release.redist.3.1.0/build/native/bin/x64/v20/Release or Debug/`,...