Christen H. Fleming

Results 10 issues of Christen H. Fleming

## Classification: Feature Request ## Summary I would find it useful in some applications to have the full covariance matrix from `ranef()`, rather than just the standard errors. Am I...


@jmcalabrese @NoonanM Mike and I both prefer selecting outliers just from the plot of the output of `outlie`, rather than the histograms. For instance: ``` OUT

How hard would it be to wrap and export the `ctmmweb` RShiny `` function so that it could be called from `ctmm` and render in its own webpage? RStudio's support...

Newer versions of `ctmm` have the `meta()` command for `UD` objects (see `?meta`). It would be nice to have it supported in `ctmmweb`. There are two basic ways to use...

As a long-term goal, it would be nice to have an optional step where users could import their data and clean/edit it before `as.telemetry()`. Maybe something like Open Refine could...

DistantFuture See `help('encounter')` Users will either need to select a pair of individuals or a pair of groups of individuals.

Currently, you can import multiple files simultaneously, by selecting multiple files at once. However, if you import one file after another, then the first file is overwritten.


It appears that you can plot the home-range distribution atop the map layer, but not the occurrence distributions.


Users are segmenting their data in the webapp, usually corresponding to different behaviors and it would be nice if they could rename the subsets to something like Cilla-summer, Cilla-disperal, Cilla-winter,...


I've added a new export method for telemetry objects in `ctmm`, `SpatialPolygonsDataFrame.telemetry()`, so that now it is easy to plot location estimates with error circles/ellipses on maps. This could be...
