Hi TheKiller57, did you follow Ske1996's 开启HIDPI , 解锁CFG and 修改dvmt至64mb procedure? You need follow step by step by Ske1996. Myself using Huawei Matebook 13 i5 (2018-2019) (Monterey 12.1), follow...
Hi TheKiller57, You can check on here. []( After successfully downgrade bios, please unlock again CFG and modified dvmt. And also disable the SIP as well in recovery. Hope it...
Hi TheKiller57, You must use Ske1996's EFI for Monterey. Follow 100% procedure and files provided by Ske1996. I had successfully downgrade from my Huawei Matebook 13 (2018-2019) from 1.28 to...
Rinbili 你好。 我huawei matebook 13 i5 (2018-2019) Monterey 12.1 之前也有这个Sleep Wake failure in EFI问题出现,每一个睡眠超过4-5个钟的都几乎叫不醒。 我是先在Terminal输入以下: `sudo pmset autopoweroff 0` ` sudo pmset powernap 0` ` sudo pmset standby 0` `...