Kwok-kuen Cheung

Results 24 issues of Kwok-kuen Cheung

It appears that the S3 asset store does not support asset directly upload to S3. The server tells the client to upload to skygear-server and the skygear-server upload the asset...


@wallacesky mentioned a use case to reference a server current datetime in Record DB save/query operation. For example, to query records created one day ago, the client need to use...


I will draft a follow-up with the following information: * Existing behavior (on master) across SDKs and Server * client-side default ACL settings * server-side default ACL settings * access...

Currently, route matching goes like this: * take the http path as action name, find a handler with a matching action * if not found, take the value in the...


There is a common use case in which the developer of a plugin would like to run code in the plugin process memory space. For example, this is needed to...

This error is thrown in browser in a webpack project. ``` browser.js:2 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'WebSocket' of undefined at Object. (browser.js:2) at __webpack_require__ (bootstrap 9d9eeff259ebc6257fd0:676) at fn (bootstrap...


Since #125, the public_html directory is not served when SERVE_STATIC_ASSETS is turned on. This should be supported to have feature parity with py-skygear.


Currently parameters for lambda are obtained like this: ```javascript skygearCloud.op('foo', function (param, options) { const { context } = options; console.log(param['args']); // the parameters passed by SDKs }); ``` Since...