
Results 7 comments of Oleg

Provider: Yandex (imap.yandex.ru) And there is a message about format ``` $ mailnag-config /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Mailnag/plugins/unityplugin.py:24: PyGIWarning: MessagingMenu was imported without specifying a version first. Use gi.require_version('MessagingMenu', '1.0') before import to ensure...

Perhaps, something like this would suite better for folders parsing ``` data_list = csv.reader(data, delimiter=' ') for data_line in data_list: separator = data_line[-2] if ( separator == 'NIL' ): folder...

RFC says, that server response to the list command must contain separator. So, isn't it better to take it from the server's response, then to keep an array of every...

You should install mailnag from source, Ubuntu package is very old

I think, it would be better if Nik4Image class contained everything related to calculations and image building (including run function) and some separate function did argument parsing. This could make...

oh my... it was fixed long-long-long ... long-long-long ago (at least for me) it can be closed, i think if there is still some problem, this is definitely not the...

sorry, i don't know about CS:S issue