Results 10 comments of Alex

@aero89 yes. E.g. python telebot has added support for web app.

Hey guys. Is migration to bot API v6 still under development?

Hi! go-mq is a high-level wrapper over the streadway/amqp driver. Lets look under the hood: Looks like it should not throw an error when you call Ack multiple times....

@zhangyangchen thanks for the PR and participation in developing! I can't reproduce the original issue. Can you share the snippet that will help to understand the problem you're trying to...

Also bump. I have the same problem with slice of structures. Soon will be year from creating issue. Seems like this library isn't ready for production usage.

Thank you for fast response. First of all I create a custom type for slice of structs: ```golang type ItemList []Item type Item struct {} ``` Then I ran `easyjson...

But how about `MarshalJSON`? I can't marshal struct that doesn't implement `easyjson.Marshaler` interface. I've tried to add `//easyjson:json` build tag but this was not help.

Ooops. My mistake. I've added easyjson tag to package instead of type declaration. After I've added tag before type declaration encoding code had been generated. I think that this usage...

What do you think about @damour proposal #143 to use strategies (`goose.UpWithCollector(...)`)?