
Results 4 issues of cherry530

Revoker and SSLGET do not print version numbers correctly,only unassigned strings from the macro definition are printed. Should this be a display bug?Please check I see revoker.c #define VERSIONSTRING "$Revision$...

setenforce 1 systemctl start rrdcached.socket systemctl stop rrdcached.socket systemctl start rrdcached.service because service license and socket is license to so,start rrdcached.service is failed so I use systemd default change rrdcached.service...

An access wild address issue occurred while testing with fuzz. The specific logs are as follows: ==2229501==ERROR: AddressSanitizer: SEGV on unknown address 0x000000000201 (pc 0x7faebd07c8c1 bp 0x7fffd934d9d0 sp 0x7fffd934d188 T0)...

log [ 74s] [ERROR] /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/apache-ftpserver-1.1.4/core/src/main/java/org/apache/ftpserver/impl/[61,8] org.apache.ftpserver.impl.FtpIoSession is not abstract and does not override abstract method isServer() in org.apache.mina.core.session.IoSession apacha-mina :2.0.24 mina-ftpserver:1.1.4