Kaspar von Gunten
Kaspar von Gunten
@mmallis87 Thanks for the information, we'll switch over to that one then 👍 If I may recommend updating the release notes on github? (this is our primary source of information...
I have two problems with the current approach: - using the unshaded version (without dependencies) is leaving the user/client unaware of the dependencies that need to be provided (one has...
https://community.sonarsource.com/t/error-locking-filebasedconfig-root-config-jgit-config-failed-after-5-retries/21899 apparently also describes a workaround that could be used, if a newer JGit version doesn't fix the problem.
I am using `maven:3.6.3-openjdk-8` as a container. `docker run --volume /home/bamboo/xml-data/build-dir/myproject:/data --volume /home/bamboo/.m2:/root/.m2 --workdir /data --rm maven:3.6.3-openjdk-8 mvn clean package` Unfortunately if I execute that on my (Windows) machine I...