The database is easily corrupted across different version of ironfish. From what I observed, **1. If someone removes LOCK in the ~/.ironfish/*/LOCK forcibly, and starts another node, then the database...
Dear Shuhao, Thanks for your quickly reply. When I start to run the **WordCount** app with profiling referring to issue #4 `java -cp target/BriskBenchmarks-1.2.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar applications.BriskRunner --profile` I encountered the following...
Hi, Since I want to compare the throughput between my system and yours, I want to run your system under optimal situation. And that's why I try to profile first.
Hi Tony, I tested your system with single thread for each bolt and the throughput is shown in the picture.  Here is my configuration::  For details, you can...
@azf20 I'm using own erigon node, and the graph node runs locally. 1. Restarting the service doesn't help solve this issue. 2. Rewinding the subgraphs several blocks doesn't help either....
@incrypto32 By re-deploy the rocket-pool-mainet, the problem solves. messari/curve-finance is unclear since it's still under indexing. The deployed wasm and previous wasm of rocket-pool-mainet are definitely the same. **So I...
By redeploying the rest subgraphs, this issue is also resolved. So I think it's due to internal graph-node problems, not subgraph self.