All path operations are now handled by java.nio.file.Path instead of string concatenation.
After creating `linux-kernel` dataset, the resulting file,`linux_kernel-data7.xml`, is not well-formed. Error message from well-formedness test: ``` Character reference "" is an invalid XML character. ``` The dataset was created 3rd...
I tried to parse the `vb6/examples/form1.vb` file and got the same error in `vb6/examples/form1.vb.errors`, which is: ``` line 1:13 mismatched input 'Form1' expecting ``` The `vb6/examples/form1.vb` file contains: ``` Public...
For the following problems with test cases in the public_test_cases, the `input.*.txt` and `output.*.txt` files does not start with index 0: ``` p01875 p02069 p02067 p00754 p02068 p02072 p02871 p01895...
Fixes issue #3. The problem is that the default value of `cflags` and `return_if_acc_below` are not handled properly in the [run_cpp_code_on_inputs]( function.
Thanks for script for evaluation on the CodeNet dataset! I am trying to evaluate some predictions on the dataset with the command: ``` python3 src/codenet_eval/ --eval_config eval_files/example_eval_config.yaml ``` In the...
Thomas Karanikiotis, Kyriakos Chatzidimitriou and Andreas Symeonidis Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Welcome to CodRep-2019!
Created for Hugo and colleagues from source{d}. Welcome!
Created for Team COINSE (Gabin An, Shin Yoo) from KAIST, South Korea, for discussions. Welcome!
Created for Team madPL from University of Wisconsin--Madison & Microsoft Research for discussions. Welcome! Jordan Henkel, Shuvendu Lahiri, Ben Liblit, Thomas Reps