Shuo Chen
Shuo Chen
请提供完整能复现 coredump 的代码。 另外,你可以在 Channel 的析构函数里打印一下 this 指针,然后在 handleEvent 里同样打印 this 指针,看看 Channel 是不是在 handleEvent() 之前被析构了。
欢迎提 pull request. On Tue, Jan 15, 2019, 6:51 PM YY-Edwards Linux distro and version? x86 or ARM? 32-bit or 64-bit? > > Linux ubuntu 4.4.0-62-generic x86_64 > Ubuntu 16.04.2...
This is overkill, either call doPendingFunctors() in the beginning of EventLoop::loop() or change if (!isInLoopThread() || callingPendingFunctors_) to if (!isInLoopThread() || !eventHandling_) in EventLoop::runInLoop()
breaks build.
可以新写一个 ``,用 std 替换 boost。 如果有可能,可以直接写 C++20 版,用 `std::bind_front` 替换多处 lamba。
你这个 PR 让所有使用 `muduo/net/Channel.h` 的文件都 include 了 ``,我不认为是合适的做法。
Please replace `struct sockaddr` in this file with `SA`.
1. accessing shared members like `currentBuffer_` and `buffers_` should be guarded by `mutex_`. 2. according to `AsyncLogging::append()`, you should output `buffers_` before `currentBuffer_`. 3. check #149 to see use `do...