Shuo Chen

Results 39 comments of Shuo Chen

请提供完整能复现 coredump 的代码。 另外,你可以在 Channel 的析构函数里打印一下 this 指针,然后在 handleEvent 里同样打印 this 指针,看看 Channel 是不是在 handleEvent() 之前被析构了。

欢迎提 pull request. On Tue, Jan 15, 2019, 6:51 PM YY-Edwards Linux distro and version? x86 or ARM? 32-bit or 64-bit? > > Linux ubuntu 4.4.0-62-generic x86_64 > Ubuntu 16.04.2...

This is overkill, either call doPendingFunctors() in the beginning of EventLoop::loop() or change if (!isInLoopThread() || callingPendingFunctors_) to if (!isInLoopThread() || !eventHandling_) in EventLoop::runInLoop()

breaks build.

可以新写一个 ``,用 std 替换 boost。 如果有可能,可以直接写 C++20 版,用 `std::bind_front` 替换多处 lamba。

你这个 PR 让所有使用 `muduo/net/Channel.h` 的文件都 include 了 ``,我不认为是合适的做法。

Please replace `struct sockaddr` in this file with `SA`.

1. accessing shared members like `currentBuffer_` and `buffers_` should be guarded by `mutex_`. 2. according to `AsyncLogging::append()`, you should output `buffers_` before `currentBuffer_`. 3. check #149 to see use `do...