I think the photos problem exsited in most of the S3 which included the cloud OSS and minIO. I input the photos by using the "/" instead of draging them...
GOOD DAY, my friend! I deployed the leatest docker version of notea. when creating a brand new title, it happens to build one more pages. And the title lost itself...
# so happy for you to keep going to this poject. I have used the notea since about 2 years ago, I appriciate it a lot and thanks cinwell. I...
大佬,可不可以将这个图床改为依赖B2或者其他S3进行储存图片啊,其实本来GITHUB就不多支持用来做图床,数据流量一大就好容易被封杀。还不如将图床直接对接到B2等对象存储度更好,非常喜欢这个图床界面,vite响应就是快,另外能否在页面那里补充一个markdown语法的图片链接呢? 谢谢!!
# Awsome job you make ,it just take me few moment to successfully deploy it . ## However,what I CONCERN is that heroku will block it in the future? ####...