Chen Chen

Results 13 comments of Chen Chen

@paulsbruce Thank you very much for your reply. I'm sorry that my English is not very fluent. ❤ Yes, my personal point is that there is a lot of attention...

所以这个issue讨论的结果,是否需要做 traceId 默认生成规则的修改(traceId变化更加明显)以及是否去支持用户自定义traceId? @glmapper

> 如果提供自定义的 traceId,关键还是要看自定义的 traceId 能否保证全局的唯一性。 😀 个人认为, 也许可以开放给用户,由用户自行去保证唯一性。

Spring Scheduled? Maybe you can customize your thread pool,rewrite the execute method, wrap Runnable into SofaTracerRunnable。 ```java public class XxxThreadPoolTaskExecutor extends ThreadPoolTaskExecutor { @Override public void execute(Runnable runnable) { super.execute(new...

@spyvip Maybe you can give more use cases to facilitate troubleshooting. It seems like a time disorder, we need to determine what caused the abnormal time comparison.The correct cs &...

> @chenmudu so am I, but no more log in production machine, sorry brother No problem. Let's keep waiting.

Can you show me how to put the current SimpleTracer into the Spring container?

@spyvip Could you give me more information? For example, how **AOP** is currently placed in the spring container? Do you Annotate(Aspect) the class directly? Or use the SpringBoot Auto Configuration...

我也持有同样的观点,并已做测试,已确认Jaeger兼容 Zipkin Rest Api。 具体详见 [sofa-tracer-guides-zipkin](并确保Jaeger Collector & Query Ui已经启动即可观测到具体情况 。

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