Tracking-Solov2-Deepsort copied to clipboard
auto matched = manager->update
In the "auto matched = manager->update" 'update' reported such an error: In template: chosen constructor is explicit in copy-initialization error occurred here in instantiation of member function 'TrackerManagerDeepSORT::TrackData::update' requested here explicit constructor declared here in implicit initialization of field 'mask_gpu' with omitted initializer in implicit initialization of field 'info' with omitted initializer. May I ask how to solve it?
#include "DeepSORT.h" #include "Extractor.h" #include "TrackerManager.h"
using namespace std; using namespace cv;
namespace { float iou(const Rect2f &bb_test, const Rect2f &bb_gt) { auto in = (bb_test & bb_gt).area(); auto un = bb_test.area() + bb_gt.area() - in;
if (un < DBL_EPSILON)
return 0;
return in / un;
torch::Tensor iou_dist(const vector<Rect2f> &dets, const vector<Rect2f> &trks) { auto trk_num = trks.size(); auto det_num = dets.size(); auto dist = torch::empty({int64_t(trk_num), int64_t(det_num)}); for (size_t i = 0; i < trk_num; i++) // compute iou matrix as a distance matrix { for (size_t j = 0; j < det_num; j++) { dist[i][j] = 1 - iou(trks[i], dets[j]); } } return dist; }
DeepSORT::DeepSORT(const array<int64_t, 2> &dim) : extractor(make_unique<Extractor>()), manager(make_unique<TrackerManager<TrackData>>(data, dim)), feat_metric(make_unique<FeatureMetric<TrackData>>(data)) {
vector<InstInfo> DeepSORT::update(const std::vector<InstInfo> &detections, cv::Mat ori_img) { manager->predict(); manager->remove_nan();
sgLogger->debug("start manager->update()");
auto matched = manager->update(
[this, &detections, &ori_img](const std::vector<int> &trk_ids, const std::vector<int> &det_ids) {
vector<cv::Rect2f> trks;
for (auto t : trk_ids) {
vector<cv::Mat> boxes;
vector<cv::Rect2f> dets;
for (auto d:det_ids) {
auto iou_mat = iou_dist(dets, trks);
auto feat_mat = feat_metric->distance(extractor->extract(boxes), trk_ids);
feat_mat.masked_fill_((iou_mat > 0.8f).__ior__(feat_mat > 0.2f), INVALID_DIST);
return feat_mat;
[this, &detections](const std::vector<int> &trk_ids, const std::vector<int> &det_ids) {
vector<cv::Rect2f> trks;
for (auto t : trk_ids) {
vector<cv::Rect2f> dets;
for (auto &d:det_ids) {
auto iou_mat = iou_dist(dets, trks);
iou_mat.masked_fill_(iou_mat > 0.7f, INVALID_DIST);
return iou_mat;
vector<cv::Mat> boxes;
vector<int> targets;
for (auto[x, y]:matched) {
//sgLogger->debug("start feat_metric->update()");
feat_metric->update(extractor->extract(boxes), targets);
//return manager->visible_tracks();
return manager->visible_tracks_info();
Sorry, the previous code introduced unnecessary dependencies (opencv-cuda), which are now removed.