
Results 7 issues of chengfeng

### Version 2.7.3 ### Reproduction link []( ### Steps to reproduce npm install npm run dev ### What is expected? server run normal, show syntax error in App.vue; not loose...

### Element UI version 2.15.7 ### OS/Browsers version macos ### Vue version 2.6.14 ### Reproduction Link ### Steps to reproduce 点击change按钮2次,使changeColumn的值为3; click button twice; ### What is Expected? 日期列pay_date,...

``` function Counter(quill:Quill, options:{unit:string,container:string}) { const container = document.querySelector(options.container) as HTMLDivElement; quill.on(, () => { const text = quill.getText(); if (options.unit === 'word') { container.innerText = text.split(/\s+/).length + ' words';...


下载打开之后先是将近10秒到卡顿,然后界面出现,但是界面任何元素都无法点击。是我的使用方法有问题吗? 软件版本:pear-rec-Mac-1.3.15-Installer.dmg 环境:Apple m1 pro macOs Ventura 13.4.1

``` // contentScript.ts const freamUrl = chrome.runtime.getURL('src/entries/fream/index.html'); const ifream = document.createElement('iframe'); ifream.src = freamUrl; document.body.appendChild(ifream) ``` The above code cause CSP error:

Hi, do you have a plan to move the sidebar into the [Chrome side panel]( Perhaps using the side panel is a more convenient way to interact with the page....

help wanted