@alphaCTzo7G I found a similar situation when work on a specific project. And I finally found that it is because the `fileencoding` of tags file is not `utf-8` for some...
Well, I want to say it that my average method is almostly the same perfermance expense as get the adc value separatly. So I think maybe it is a good...
Hi ,just look at this issue and I found a better solution . Just type this commad to install a udev ruler file: ``` curl -fsSL | sudo tee...
I have submit a fix here: #2554
Hi guys, I'm confused by your discussion. I'm thinking of buying a dell laptop. My question is simple. Is the latest version now available to set battery threshold of dell...
@raduburla Wow, this is very good. Thank you! I think I will get a dell laptop!
@awehrfritz I see it now. Thank you for your link. After some research. I found that the battery threshold is closely related to battery firmware which is much more closesource...
@marmistrz Thanks, I will try it after my new dell laptop arrive.
@pvvx HI maybe now is a little late. But I check the doc and the code I found the address is 16bit in the doc but 24 bit in the...
thanks! Is it get by sniffer the official download tools or from some spec? Because I also found that the TLSR8359 's SWire address also 24bit. Maybe newer telink chip...