I came up with the same issue that both Pycharm and Jupyter notebook won't render RAI dashboard. In jupyter notebook, when i click the link http://localhost:5000, i got HTTP ERROR...
Hi @xuyxu , I found that in the current master branch, input y value will be checked by "deepforest.cascade._check_target_values". But when I input a sequence of integers as y value,...
Hi @xuyxu ,if you use "type_of_target" to check for input y values, I might add multiclass and multiclass-multioutput for univariate and multivariate regression, and also check the value in numpy...
> > Hi @xuyxu ,if you use "type_of_target" to check for input y values, I might add multiclass and multiclass-multioutput for univariate and multivariate regression, and also check the value...
Hi @xuyxu , can you help me check my pr? How can I pass the code quality check?