Angelo Moroni

Results 10 comments of Angelo Moroni

With target 28 too. I use androidx version but I get the same error.

Resolved adding ``` android:focusable="true" android:focusableInTouchMode="true" ``` to xml file in the PinView element

@jsonfellin mh, sure, you're right! Did you try to use **smoothScrollToPosition()** method?

@jsonfellin Oh sorry, I was confused! I have another question: when do you call this method? I had a similar problem: I put **smoothScrollBy()** method inside a **OnGlobalLayoutListener** when data...

@adityagohad In my project of [HorizontalPicker]( I put a method in the custom LinerLayout manager : ``` public void select(int position) { scrollToPositionWithOffset(position,10); rv.smoothScrollBy(1,0); } ``` The first method is...

Update: I can use `app:kswThumbColor="@color/selector_color"` to change color oh Thumb and it's get selector image. However, background color is not generated. Another way is to define both `app:kswThumbColor="@color/selector_color"` and `app:kswBackColor="@color/selector_color_background"`...

@kyleduo Yes, I know. There is possibility to get an `app:kswTintColorChecked` and `app:kswTintColorUnchecked`? So, background colors are be calculated from them. The best situation is get background colors from state...

@kyleduo So, setting tint color with a resource including multiple state like this ``` ``` I can see custom background color of checked state, otherwise (unchecked state) I see grey...

I saw that with every https url I need to check certificates, and if you accept all without check, the PlayStore will notify you that your app is unsafe.