Hi. I used to have a work-in-progress library on that branch that was starting to some introspection checks against server. I've pulled latest Master, but didn't (with a plain text...
We run grafana-reporter as a Windows service using NSSM
What would this change do if the dashboard default is 'collapsed'? I would prefer it if the report followed the dashboard default, not simply automatically expand everything.
I recognise that you are constrained quite a lot by what the Grafana API makes possible. (e.g. Annotations in the pdf would be **fantastic**, but I've no idea how you...
> @chelliwell I understand this need, I thought about it too. > Maybe we can leave the default as it is and give an option/flag to generate the 'full' dashboard?...
I'd also really like this feature! Might have a look at it myself sometime, though Go is a completely new language to me.
We have our dashboards set to display UTC - just happens to be what suits our system. The reporter also shows our graphs as UTC, but the pdf heading is...
Yes, it is. But it's no problem - my dashboards set UTC and that goes into the graphs in the pdf (not being over-ridden anywhere lol), so I'm content with...
I'm afraid you're definitely over-stretching my C# skills there! So I'm afraid I can't really offer anything on how to achieve it - happy to try anything out though and...
> The main needs I see are to (ideally) automatically try to re-establish the socket and subscription, and to have any unhandleable events fed back to the app. And if...