reporter copied to clipboard
feature: configuration of report timezone
please add report timezone configuration option.
for image rendering it is the parameter: tz=Europe%2FBerlin
The reporter uses the timezone of the server it is hosted on by default. Is that not sufficient?
See #43
We have our dashboards set to display UTC - just happens to be what suits our system. The reporter also shows our graphs as UTC, but the pdf heading is local timezone - which is quite nice, as it gives us a bit of both. The 'UTC' bit isn't shown in the pdf against the graphs, so you do need to know - but again, it can be inferred from the heading. I nearly 'complained' about the timezone being captured wrong until I realised that it's only the heading which is local. It's ok for me as it is, Izak - I wouldn't object to more control over things, as long as config options would allow for all permutations! We certainly wouldn't want a change that meant we saw nothing but localtime - we happen to need UTC, as that's what our (global) system uses throughout. Just my feedback....
@chelliwell This implies that the server running the reporter is set to use local time. You could change it to use UTC and then your problem would go away.
Yes, it is. But it's no problem - my dashboards set UTC and that goes into the graphs in the pdf (not being over-ridden anywhere lol), so I'm content with how it is atm :)
The reporter uses the timezone of the server it is hosted on by default. Is that not sufficient?
No thats not sufficient for me. The system TZ and the dashboard or report TZ will differ in our usecase. Some more control here with such a parameter would help me and should not hurt others.
It also appears that the timezone listed at the top of the generated pdf spells out time and time zone from the rendering machine, but it is mismatched with the time on the rendered graph if the grafana server is different.