
Results 22 comments of cheese529

got this same error today downloading my saved posts with clone command. `[2023-05-13 07:01:09,968 - bdfr.downloader - INFO] - Downloaded submission smrp5l from jessicabiel [2023-05-13 07:01:10,174 - bdfr.archiver - INFO]...

seems like the issue arises when you have a saved comment, bdfr does not see it as a submission and instead of skipping it just terminates the script. @Serene-Arc

> All 4chan archive sites based on Fuuka/Foolfuuka are already supported: Ah so that must mean there is no support for board extractors for those sites, hence why it...

> But thread extraction works, right? It does but some boards have thousands and thousands of threads, it would take hours for me to manually go through each page of...

I believe the majority of the threads are made about celebs on `/hr/` so I guess you could count that.

> So that's about a half. Which would not fit automatically, content-wise Those are pretty random haha but I believe it's still the minority. If you go here `` and...

> Their accepted URL pattern is currently rather picky Tried the different URL pattern but unfortunately it just gives me a cloud fare 403 error. Opening the board in browser...

Ahh so I didn't know that they were called folders, got confused there. Thank you mikf. Regarding the photo for a folder i'm assuming there's no way to get that...

@mo-han what error is yt-dlp getting? can you please post a verbose log for it?

> > @mo-han what error is yt-dlp getting? can you please post a verbose log for it? > > i thought the above is the verbose log, it isn't? I...