Chen He
Chen He
By default, perspectives are not shared between frames. To import a perspective to another frame, the 'persp-import' command can be used. This works as expected as long as the frame...
The behavior of the method seems to be different on AIX and Linux: ```C++ auto err = socket1->bind(ntsa::Endpoint(ntsa::Ipv4Endpoint("", 0)), true); assert(!err); ntsa::Endpoint endpoint; socket->sourceEndpoint(&endpoint); err = socket2->bind(ntsa::Endpoint(ntsa::Ipv4Endpoint("", 0)), true); assert(!err);...
`ntsi::StreamSocket::bind` requires `reuseAddress` to be specified when called. This is problematic when the value of `reuseAddress` has already been set by `setOption` before `bind` is called. I think we should...