Ajay Shanker Tripathi

Results 7 issues of Ajay Shanker Tripathi

**Describe the bug** On my Pixel 4 XL (running Android and the latest v4.4.3 apk of TagSpaces), search results are completely broken. Images show up fine when standard exploring, but...

It's a problem that's easy to produce. If you open up the javascript console, run the code at [bitwiseshiftleft.github.io/sjcl/sjcl.js](http://bitwiseshiftleft.github.io/sjcl/sjcl.js) (by pasting it in, for example), and then run ``` u...

For example, sometimes you want to bump a thread or keep it alive. It would be cool if you could make a post, but schedule it to only happen once...

Consider the tags "mammal", "dog", "canine", and "chihuahua". There's a very obvious relationship between these tags: "dog" and "canine" are the same thing, all chihuahuas are dogs, and all dogs...


Most IME's, like the google keyboard and swype keyboards, let you hold on the space bar to bring up and switch between your installed IME's. Could you add functionality like...

When I check https://universalis.app/api/history/Hyperion/41649 for sale history, the first entry has unix timestamp 1713233680, which corresponds to Tuesday, April 16, 2024 2:14:40 AM PT. Currently, it's about Monday, April 15,...

I have "youtube.com" on the list of sites where the extension should be disabled. However, even so, the shift+wheel shortcut seems to be "occupied" by the extension. In particular, I...