
Results 7 issues of chaudry-786

Hi, When I open an empty lua file before any other files of lua have been opened I get this error ![lua_error]( Note: If I open the same file when...

can't reproduce

HI, Loving this theme except the colour of strings which is similar to function call. ![Screenshot 2022-06-17 at 10 31 57]( I have tried g:gruvbox_improved_strings but this setting makes strings...

I have just installed and my statusLine looks weird. Is this how it should look be default? ![Screenshot 2022-07-07 at 11 32 19](

Hi, I am trying to use firenvim in it flashes briefly and then disappears. Can you please look into it and let me know if you need anymore info....


What is this REPL window? I use this plugin "mrjones2014/smart-splits.nvim" to easily resize windows using alt-hjkl but it has no effect on the REPL. Also I use "alexghergh/nvim-tmux-navigation" to move...


Hello, my config is bare minimum and I only want my code debugged. ``` keymap("n", "dt", ":lua require('neotest'){strategy = 'dap'})", opts) require("neotest").setup({ adapters = { require("neotest-python")({ dap = { justMyCode...

Hi, If I try to navigate to another line "HopLineAC" or "HopLineBC" from an empty line I get following error. ``` E5108: Error executing lua /Users/sabah/.vim/plugged/hop.nvim/lua/hop/init.lua:130: col value outside range...