Peter Sieg
Peter Sieg
I created the PR. A couple notes about tests: 1. I could not get all the tests to pass locally (even on the main branch with no changes). It seems...
Here's a PR to fix the build/test failures I was seeing on the main branch:
I've also added a test for the pathTransforms config in my PR #67
@smeijer thank you for merging #69 (and sorry I never got back around to addressing your feedback). Now the checks for #67 are passing. If that's good to merge it'll...
Looks like the PR checks are failing in the same way the main branch on my local did. I think it's an issue with the TypeScript version range. When I...
Here's a PR to fix the test failures I was seeing on the main branch:
As far as I know this is still good to go. There are no conflicts with the base branch. It just needs to be reviewed and merged.
I'm seeing something similar in chrome (53.0.2785.143) on linux: ``` Refused to load the font 'data:font/woff;base64,d09GRgABAAAAAIt0ABEAAAABQDwAAQABAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA…CwKGBmIIpVWLACJWGwAUVjI2KwAiNEswkKAwIrswsQAwIrsxEWAwIrWbIEKAZFUkSzCxAEAisA' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "font-src". ``` I'm seeing...
I also have the Commander Core and H150i Elite Capellix with access to both linux and windows. If there's any way I can help with this effort I'd be glad...
I know that this is super old, but it confused me for a bit, so for the sake of anyone else that ends up here. I found this to be...