Michel Charpentier

Results 13 issues of Michel Charpentier

## steps I am able to publish to a private repository with this configuration: ``` publishTo := { val key = file(Path.userHome.absolutePath + "/.ssh/id_rsa") Some(Resolver.ssh("...", "...", 22, "...") as("...", key)...

Blocked on Upstream

I'm running the following program via `sbt`: ```scala @main def Test() = println("foo") println() println("bar") ``` Without fork, the output is as expected: ``` [info] running Test foo bar ```...


### json4s version ``` val Json4sNative = "org.json4s" %% "json4s-native" % "4.0.4" ``` ### scala version ``` scalaVersion := "3.1.1" ``` ### jdk version ``` Java 17.0.2 ``` ### failure...

`extract` succeeds when a JSON object has *more* fields than the targeted `case` class. Is this a desirable feature? Is there an option to fail unless there is an exact...


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** The Gradle language server refuses to start on a project with the error message: _There is no valid `JAVA_HOME` setting...


## Description The Toolbox is only showing `File`, `Window`, and `Help` menus. Nothing on TLC or TLAPS. I tried to clear `.tlaplus`, but that did nothing. Are there other caches/preferences?...


I've been using a LaTeX package `fullpagenumber.sty` for years, and it used to work with Pandoc: ```latex \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{fullpagenumber}[2018/10/23 v0.1 fullpagenumber] \RequirePackage{pageslts,fancyhdr,apptools,amssymb} \newcommand*{\@lastpage}{\lastpageref*{pagesLTS.arabic}} \fancypagestyle{fullpagenumber}{ \fancyhf{}\fancyfoot[C]{\thepage~/~\@lastpage} \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt}} \fancypagestyle{cornernote}{ \fancyhf{}\fancyfoot[C]{\thepage~/~\@lastpage}% \fancyhead[R]{\ifx\cnote\undefined\else{\hfill\tiny\cnote}\fi}...


I've been maintaining my own java+sbt image for a few years, but I'd rather switch to yours to make my life simpler. I'm wondering why you include Scala in the...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** scala-cli is used to generate a default-packaged application using Java 17. On a machine with two Java (`/usr/bin/java` (11) and...

package command

This code: ``` throw new Ex ("msg: ("+ x + ")"); int var = allMessedUp; ``` is not properly highlighted (all the code after the throw statement is the color...