Charles Moszkowicz
Charles Moszkowicz
Hi. Same problem for me. Did you fix it ?
Ok. Let me know if you get a fix. Hope that it will come soon in Xamarin Essentials, see
Hi. Same problem here reported by multiple users. Is there a fix ?
I agree. Coming from CrossMediaPlugin, this feature is needed !
The solution is not working anymore. Do you have a new one ? I have difficulties to understand how to modify widgets position.
I am trying to manipulate the toolbar. But the following advice is not working anymore since 3.0.0-rc.3 `var toolbar = (StackLayout)((AbsoluteLayout)mapView.Content).Children[1]; AbsoluteLayout.SetLayoutBounds(toolbar, new Rectangle(0.05, 0.03, 40, 176));` Must have something...
I totally agree with that. I think it is a good solution to add 2 properties `ButtonHorizontalAlignment` and `ButtonVerticalAlignment`.
Same for me. It works on Android but not on iOS. Xamarin.Forms 4.0.0497661 Iconize.Forms