The reason is [here]( ``` gl = canvas.getContext( 'experimental-webgl', { preserveDrawingBuffer: true } ); ``` Here, `experimental-webgl` implies WebGL 1.0, and should be motified to `webgl2` or `experimental-webgl2`. Be carful...
In this way, the previous type is overwroten by the last type. The funnally type is WebGPU.
Just found that version 2.1.3 still not support manually context menu settings.
On windows, first , go to;O=D and download the newest version then unzip it somewhere, `C:\Users\work\halley-all\SDL` for example. Second, download prebuilt boost library and install somewhere, `C:\Users\work\boost` for example....
Perhabs one reason is reflection will be added to CXX in the distant future.