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A server for generating OSC and MIDI messages from interfaces created using Interface.js

Results 2 interface.server issues
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Pre Biulds for windows? were did they go, i would like to avoid setting up the build environment to get this going. do you still have a link?

OSC_test.htm works fine, but adding Interface.OSC.receive results in this error. ``` Uncaught node.js Error ReferenceError: parameters is not defined at (eval at (file:///home/drewrwx/node/node-webkit-v0.8.2-linux-x64/interface.server/jquery-ui-1.10.1.custom/js/jquery-1.9.1.js), :450:65) at WebSocket.eval (eval at (file:///home/drewrwx/node/node-webkit-v0.8.2-linux-x64/interface.server/jquery-ui-1.10.1.custom/js/jquery-1.9.1.js),...