Charlie O'Keefe
Charlie O'Keefe
This line should be fixed
I accidentally deleted a session. Fortunately there's a button to restore it (thank you!) so I did that. But the order of items in the restored session was reversed. After...
After updating to Firefox 86, I am unable to scroll using either a mouse wheel or touchpad in the SessionSync popup. I see an issue was filed when Firefox 86...
*** Do Not Merge *** My work on this ran into a blocker when Gareth and I got differing .deb files. We should figure out how/if we can fix that...
note in gitian just a couple months ago says that it’s switched to maintenance mode due to bitcoin core swtiching to Guix
There is a bit of a chicken-egg problem in getting this extension to work: I have a system for managing environment variables (including PATH) but it's built around using direnv...