This PR is still work in progress. Jekins test will be run later.
When ipex is not used, this problem does not appear, but no matter whether ipex 1.8.0 or 1.9.0 is used, this problem will exist in multi-process training. However, because this...
Jekins Test passed in
### 首先请确认你是否需要启用SSL 如果你只是在内网部署来玩玩,没有打算放在公网下供大家访问,亦或者你信任从你自己的设备到cloudreve服务器的连接是安全的,那么你可以不需要启用SSL,因而直接在每一行前面加一个**英文的**分号';'注释掉这部分即可。 ### 如果你需要SSL,那么请确认你是否需要让Cloudreve来处理SSL的部分 如果你的cloudreve在**反向代理**后面,包括但不限于nginx, IIS等,那么你可能需要使用这些反向代理来启用SSL,而非利用cloudreve自带的SSL功能。处理的方式与前面一样,直接在每一行前面加一个**英文的**分号';'注释掉这部分即可。 ### 如果你需要让Cloudreve来处理SSL,那么请确认你是否准备好了SSL证书 假设你知道这是什么,你需要从受信任的CA获取或自签名一个SSL证书,并将其存储到一个安全的目录下,将这两个配置指向证书即可。如果你不知道这是什么,建议先去搜索一些相关的资料再来配置。
This error should only show when the auth token of aria2 RPC is not match with the configured one. Please double check both the aria2 side and the cloudreve side...
Fixing with #364
> Do we have a hotkey for saving metadata edits? It's tedious to click the "save" button with the mouse every time. My understanding is the changes are saved in...
> > @igoogolx would you mind taking this issue as @charlieJ107 seems to be busy recently? > > related PR #364 > > Sure. I will take it. I'll make...
Okay, 这周事情有点多,周末开始弄来得及吧? > @charlieJ107 > > Hi, 有时间帮忙实现这个功能嘛? > > 我想应该比较简单,用这个就行: > > > > 组件div ID 可以留着我抽空给加上去。