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Pre-trained weights of SUNRGBD dataset
Could anyone provide pretrained weights of SUNRGBD dataset?
hello,gangooteli, have you ever solved this problem.
Currently not. Need to train on SUNRGBD dataset.
I execute extract_rgbd_data.m under sunrgbd toolbox,which will generate four empty folders,include mysunrgbd/depth,mysunrgbd/image,mysunrgbd/calib,mysunrgbd/label_dimension.Could you help me?
Download SUNRGBD dataset In extract_rgdb_data.m, you need to provide SUNRGBD dataset path. Then run it. It will create 4 folders with files in it. You path might not be correct thats why you are getting empty folder.
Then you need to run script provided in sunrgbd folder, which will use these 4 folders and create a pickle file. Then this generated pickle file can be used for training purpose
This is my SUNRGBD dataset path.Where is your original sunrgbd data path?thank you.
@gangooteli Hi,I have a question.I didn't find Metadata/SUNRGBDMeta.mat from frustum-pointnets. Thanks.If I trained succeed in SUNRGBD dataset, I will share my pre-trained weights to you.
This is my SUNRGBDMeta.mat load data.I hope to get your help.@gangooteli
Hi,@gangooteli Thank at all.I use extract_rgdb_data.m to generate 4 folders and it not empty.
but when I was trying to generate the pickle files to train SUNRGBD. I run sunrgbd_data/ and given an error. I have no train_data_idx.txt files.Could you guide me what need to be done to get the pickle files. Thanks a lot in advance. Regards, Jing Yang
You need to create train_data_idx.txt which will contain list of filename generated in the mysunrgbd/depth.
Hi,@gangooteli,Thank you very much.I created train_data_idx.txt .To generate the pickle file, I run sunrgbd_data/ As shown in the following picture, can extract information from the SUNRGBD data set.
However, I encountered this problem while running, and I don't know what caused it.
this is my train_data_idx.txt file format.
From the error i can say that value of "all_cnt" is evaluated to 0 which gives you the error on division. As far as I remember I also encountered the same error, and if I can remember correctly I just commented that line, as it is essentially of no use. Although its been long I had worked with FPN, so just debug the code once to identify and confirm the issue. Success!!!
Kind Regards Pranjal Biswas
@gangooteli @PranjaLBiswas27
Thanks at all.I commented the pos_cnt/float(all_cnt).The program can be run successfully, but the pickle file file generated is very small. I don't know reason.Can you share your pickle file or guide me? Thank you.
I dont have the pickle files you need, as I did not work with the SUNRGBD dataset.
I cant point out the exact reason, but from initial look I see that none of the other parameters of frustum such as heading, orientation, points etc are being evaluated at all. You can see that only frustum angle is evaluated, so something is going wrong there. I would suggest you to debug the code and look for issues at that point.
@gangooteli @PranjaLBiswas27
Thank you help.I have pretrained weights of SUNRGBD dataset, but I don't know how to visualize the results shown below.
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@ybyangjing 你好,我也在用这个网络跑Sunrgbd数据集,遇到了和你一样的问题,看了你的解决过程,真的很惊喜。可以加你qq 一起交流下吗?我的qq: 934857682 多谢了!
@ybyangjing @PranjaLBiswas27
I have the same problem that when I execute extract_rgbd_data.m four empty folders were created. I tried to check the path of SUNRGBD according to your description. But it still doesn't solve the problem. Can you help me ? Thank you very much!
This is my SUNRGBD situation!
@shengrongjin Maybe your path needs to be checked.'/data/shengData/mysunrgbd/SUNRGBD'
@shengrongjin Is your problem solved? I was having a similar problem. try this, instead of '/data/shengData/mysunrgbd/SUNRGBD' give '/data/shengData/mysunrgbd'
@shengrongjin Is your problem solved? I was having a similar problem. try this, instead of '/data/shengData/mysunrgbd/SUNRGBD' give '/data/shengData/mysunrgbd'
Thank you for your reply. I have solved this problem.
hello, @TheWintersKing @shengrongjin I try to use the matlab to run the extract_rgbd_data.m,but I falied with the matlab Segmentation fault (core dumped),the matlab current folder is SUNRGBDtoolbox/,follow with two pictures.
@debuleilei May be some small problems according by Matlab, follow the instructions to close and restart.
@shengrongjin but I have tried it in another computer which is in windows system,same problem ,and I wait for a long time before it crash.I use the matlab R2016b ,can you give me some advice about what you did
hello, @TheWintersKing @shengrongjin I try to use the matlab to run the extract_rgbd_data.m,but I falied with the matlab Segmentation fault (core dumped),the matlab current folder is SUNRGBDtoolbox/,follow with two pictures.
check parfor, this may be the problem
@ybyangjing hi! i have the same problem. my pickle file file generated is very small, about 63 bites. I don't know reason.Can you share your pickle file or guide me? Thank you.
replacing the parfor with a simple for loop solved the problem of crashing, but the script execution time was really slow
@ybyangjing 你好,我也在用这个网络跑Sunrgbd数据集,遇到了和你一样的问题,看了你的解决过程,真的很惊喜。可以加你qq 一起交流下吗?我的qq: 934857682 多谢了!