Chip Johnson
Chip Johnson
Looks like this is still an issue. Any chance of getting it fixed? ``` descendants_tracker-0.0.4/.gitignore descendants_tracker-0.0.4/Guardfile descendants_tracker-0.0.4/LICENSE descendants_tracker-0.0.4/Rakefile descendants_tracker-0.0.4/TODO descendants_tracker-0.0.4/config/flog.yml descendants_tracker-0.0.4/config/mutant.yml descendants_tracker-0.0.4/config/yardstick.yml descendants_tracker-0.0.4/spec/rcov.opts descendants_tracker-0.0.4/spec/spec.opts ```
+1 on this, I'd use the hell out of it.
:+1: to that, @stevendanna. Also paging @smith to this thread.
Related question: Putting search results aside, what's the difficulty of sorting results on the /nodes, /cookbooks, /roles, /environments, etc. endpoints?
See also #17, #227