Hi. I am not able to load the Chipseeker package. I have installed in the following way and I keep having errors while loading. ``` BiocManager::install("ChIPseeker") BiocManager::install("TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38.knownGene") BiocManager::install("TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene") library(ChIPseeker) #...
Hi. Please what could be the reason why I get the error with the following code: `selectK(cellchat, pattern = "outgoing")` ``` Error in (function (...) : All the runs produced...
Thank you for this great package. Please is there an explanation why there are negative enrichment scores and what they could mean? I understand that while comparing two groups, one...
Thanks for this very promising package. I am trying to apply this tool on single cell RNA seq data, of once cell type that has been sorted out. I have...
Hi. Thanks for this very helpful tool. But is it possible to include Wikipathways, Reactome or make custom pathway annotations for use with this package?
Can any one help me with a hint why I cannot read fully in output from pySCENIC in to Rstudio? I used pyCENIC to run the SCENIC workflow and I...
Thanks a lot for this wonderful tool. Can anyone please hint me why I am not able to generate the complete list of files after running the runGENIE3 function in...
Hi. Thank you for this great package. Which information from the results of running DoubletDecon output gives me information about which cell in my Seurat data set is a doublet?...
Thank you very much for this great tool. I ran the Python version of scTenifoldKnK with default settings but I realise that after knocking my gene of interest, statistical analyses...