
Results 263 comments of Willow

Cool! Although long lines are really a mixed bag. My biggest concern is that Prettier is integrated into Webstorm nicely and for Biome we have to install it additionally: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/22761-biome

> > Cool! Although long lines are really a mixed bag. > > My biggest concern is that Prettier is integrated into Webstorm nicely and for Biome we have to...

> It's a known fact that the Android OS will sooner or later kill processes without notifications, even when their battery usage is set to unrestricted. The notification service should...

Ah thank you for the info! If you see that `PushNotificationService` it means that the push process should be running as well and the situation is then very puzzling. Could...

`ptrace` doesn't have anything to do with these logs I believe. `adb` would be ideal but we will analyze what you've sent us, thank you

> maybe these logs can help to nail the issue down? > > [Tuta log 020f810278b2.txt](https://github.com/tutao/tutanota/files/14077713/Tuta.log.020f810278b2.txt) [Tuta log 0248ba6bb2c2.txt](https://github.com/tutao/tutanota/files/14077714/Tuta.log.0248ba6bb2c2.txt) [Tuta log e72566ec9cca.txt](https://github.com/tutao/tutanota/files/14077715/Tuta.log.e72566ec9cca.txt) thanks for the logs, doesn't seem look like...

> Hi, I experience the same issue. Maybe these logs could help further? I'll send them to the mail mentioned above as well just to be safe. > > [tuta-log.txt](https://github.com/tutao/tutanota/files/14472826/tuta-log.txt)...

I believe everything is addressed now. The dropdown is changed in a way that it will focus on dropdown itself instead of the first item when it is opened. I...

> Which recipient address is shown, is it always the first from to? What if this address is not one of my email addresses, e.g. when to was someone else...