Results 39 issues of Char

Hi, Since people use different font sizes in their editors, and some fonts look better in certain size, could you generate the previews for different font sizes, for example previews...


Hi, Is is possible to ignore non-used imports placed at the bottom of the file, since I think it's pretty clear that these imports are used solely to include symbols...

Hi, I got nosymbol has no owner with this code from play 2.2.0 source ``` scala package play.api.libs.iteratee { private[iteratee] object internal { import play.api.libs.iteratee.Iteratee import scala.concurrent.{ ExecutionContext, Future }...

I have implemented _[this]( in [my fork]( but I'm not sure if it is something that was intended in the original design, therefore I'm not creating a pull request. I'm...


Hi, Do you have a plan to support compressed docset, like zipped archive? It will help very much in reducing the size and disk reading time.


#### Self-Diagnosis - [x] I have searched the [issues]( for an answer to my question. - [ ] I have reviewed the NERDTree documentation. `:h NERDTree` - [ ] I...


Hi, This extension cannot be statically built into php and can only be build using using phpize, because of several factors 1. `$srcdir` should be `$ext_srcdir`, and `$builddir` should be...

## Proposed changes Use `session.request` instead of creating a `Request` object manually and calling `session.prepare_request` because there are extra steps that is done in `session.request` i.e. calling [`merge_environment_settings`]( which is...

The implementation of batch scaling in #21 is useful when resizing several images, but it is difficult to use when the scaling is part of a pipeline. I would like...

Hi, is this supported by yapf configuration if I want to prevent the function parameters from being indented twice in this case: ```python if func( a, b, ): pass ```...