charlotte ✨

Results 7 comments of charlotte ✨

With regards to: > Changing the image on the fly It would be nice to see support for transitions.

I would be inclined to call this a feature and not a bug.

Just discovered this myself -- I think we need to handle some pagination thing?

> might be because i use wayfire Do you have some animation that fades windows out when they close instead of them instantly disappearing? Does this happen to slurp's border?

Managed to work around this [at a slight performance penalty] by returning a `BoxedFilter` from the route constructor and doing a `{...}.map(Reply::into_response).boxed()` :)

I've added a test which ensures `writeFile(..)` returns the data you wrote into it, even with a larger pre-existing file

This is pretty Java-y, I'm happy to incorporate this changes but I'll probably restructure them to make them more like idiomatic Kotlin, so check back in a few days. Thanks...