Florian Friesdorf

Results 35 comments of Florian Friesdorf

@IvanAnishchuk Have you found a solution? Please see also https://github.com/peterdemin/pip-compile-multi/issues/128#issuecomment-479089542

I think pydocstyle should ship its own flake8 plugin because: - ~~the code needed is minimal (see my PR)~~ - ~~flake8-docstring [seems unmaintained](https://gitlab.com/pycqa/flake8-docstrings/issues)~~, - ~~[does not work with pydocstyle-4.0.0](https://gitlab.com/pycqa/flake8-docstrings/issues/36)~~ -...

I was wrong regarding the minimal code needed. see https://github.com/PyCQA/pydocstyle/pull/389#issuecomment-517018628

@sigmavirus24 Glad to see that the plugin is maintained and a new release is available! Thank you. @peterjc I do see the beauty of having one config file for several...

Another one to take into consideration is: ```python def stat(path): """Wrap os.stat() for ease of mocking.""" # noqa: D402 return os.stat(path) ``` I think we should match for valid function...

@ccordoba12 Thank you for the fast reply! It works now with the following: .doom.d/config.el: ```lisp (use-package lsp-mode :custom (lsp-pyls-server-command '("pyls" "--log-file" "/tmp/pyls.log")) (lsp-pyls-configuration-sources ["flake8" "pycodestyle"])) ``` The error was caused...

We are experimenting with name translation: https://github.com/ternaris/pycapnp/commit/dd6fc2c30e90af8d91ece504233222cbdd8f97e0 That branch is most likely going to be rebased frequently. There might be a pull request at some point.

A workaround is to compare `module.schema.node.id == builder.schema.node.id`

Is this a bug in pycapnp or capnp?

With emacsPgtkGcc ``29.0.50`` I had the same issue and resolved by commenting magit, running doom sync, uncommenting magit, and re-running doom sync.