sci-components copied to clipboard
2021 Science Design System Component Library
**Issue:** 1. Style of input is being read by SR (round, square) which is unnecessary. 2. SR is redundant and repeats 'search' three times when focused on the text input...
**Issue:** 1. SR reads the search bar even though it is not active 2. Reads 'menu popup combo box' which is misleading because it does not mention it's a single-select...
**Issue:** 1. SR reads 'button' when it should indicate that it's a dropdown (incorrect control type being announced) **Solution:** 1. Unsure what it should read instead to help indicate what...
**Issue:** 1. No focus control indicator so user does not know when they are focused on the slider. 2. SR only reads the number that the slider is currently on,...
**Issue:** 1. SR reads 'checkbox not checked' which is incorrect control type being announced 2. SR does not read what is being toggled on or toggled off (no additional context)...
The tailwind library also sets line-heights equal to the font size for each category instead of the correct line heights as specified as the documentation
Janeece has noted that there's lots of research out there around best practices for handling field validation; we should incorporate these rules into the SDS documentation
*Component Requirements:* Add support for custom icon for unordered lists (instead of the default bullet points) *Team(s) Requesting:* CZ ID, CZ GE also uses this pattern. From Omar Valenzuela *Component...
BackgroundKevin pointed out that we're using this already in CZ ID on threshold filters in the heatmap page, though we don't have it in the SDS Example in CZ ID:...